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Research groups in MOK

Description of the research group in Molecular Diagnostic and Clinical Research Unit

Managed by Professor Vibeke Andersen

Vibeke Andersens’ group is researching to understand the mechanisms of a group of related chronic inflammatory diseases (inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatic conditions, and inflammatory skin conditions), though mostly in inflammatory bowel disease. The group is focusing on predicting treatment response in analyses of inflamed tissue, blood and stool from the patients and on the importance of nutrition and lifestyle for the disease course.

The group is currently engaged in collaboration projects nationally and internationally, among others:


  • IIBDGC (
  • SYSCID (
  • EPIC-IBD (


  • IBD-CARE (locally)


Vibeke Andersen

Professor, Overlæge - Chief Physician

University Hospital of Southern Denmark (Sygehus Sønderjylland), Molecular diagnostic and Clinical Research Unit; University of Southern Denmark, Institute of Regional Health Research & Institute of Molecular Medicine

+45 79 97 62 10 Presentation of Vibeke Andersen and her research