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Career in MOK

Contact us if you are interested in having a career in Molecular Diagnostic and Clinical Research Unit (MOK)

MOK as a work place

High quality is the key driver in our work. Our research team benefits from an engaging research culture with sparring and close collaboration across disciplines. MOK is promoting an environment to share research and learning between members, and our ambition is to show a clear career path for our students by mentored supervision and rapidly growing responsibilities within the research unit. Supervision is tailored individual ambitions, and with close collaboration in Denmark and Europe, MOK support environmental exchange periods for PhD students.

Research assistance is easily available both inside the research unit and in the Research Service as part of the hospital’s research environment. In the unit, we have staff for administrative assistance and a good support system between members.

Work with us

Available positions and project proposals are posted below.

We are recruiting researchers and students from within health science, e.g. Molecular biology, Medicine, Pharmaceutical Science, and Bioinformatics to ensure a multidisciplinary working environment. Our results are targeted high impact journals within gastroenterology, biochemistry and lifestyle topics.

Projects for students at bachelor-, masters-, or research year level not posted here are always in the pipeline. Contact the research group leaders for more information.

PhD projects are anchored at Graduate School of Health Sciences at University of Southern Denmark (SDU).

Contact us for a suiting project.

Available projects

Forskningsår: Deltagelse i rekruttering til klinisk projekt (NORDTREAT) og artikel om betydninger af livsstilsfatorer for behandlingsrespons (BELIEVE). Projektbeskrivelse (pdf).

Forskningsår: Effekter af RYGNING på kroniske inflammatoriske sygdomme (del af BELIEVE-kohorten). Projektbeskrivelse (pdf).

Forskningsår: Effekter af FISK i kosten på kroniske inflammatoriske sygdomme (del af BELIEVE-kohorten). Projektbeskrivelse (pdf).