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Her kan du se titlen på tidligere specialeprojekter

Vi har i enheden stor erfaring med vejledning af speciale- og masterprojekter for mange forskellige faggrupper. Specialerne kan skrives individuelt eller i samarbejde mellem to studerende.

Liste over specialer i forskningsenheden

  • Characteristics of patients acute admitted with erysipelas
  • Validity of common infectious disease discharge diagnoses from acutely hospitalized patients
  • Assessing 30-day post-discharge recovery rates via daily Patient Reported Outcome Measures and “Bring Your Own Device”, following acute infection

  • Characteristics of acutely admitted adults with infection of unknown origin: A multicenter descriptive cohort study
  • Sensitivity of new infiltration on chest X-ray for pneumonia in emergency departments
  • Risk for postoperative bleeding after a hemithyroidectomy in an outpatient setting - a systematic review

  • Prior antibiotic consumption as a risk factor for colonization with multi-resistant bacteria in acute hospital care

  • Familary hypercholesterola - prevalence in Southern Denmark
  • Quality improvement microbiological diagnostic of pneumonia
  • Adjustment of antibiotic treatments in pneumonia

  • Delivery of breech presentation in the Region of Southern Denmark; cesarean section or vaginal delivery
  • Det svageste led...?
  • Mode of delivery after Cesarian Section.

  • En fødeplans indflydelse på sectiofrekvens, fødselskomplikationer og patienttilfredshed
  • Udviklingen i sectiofrekvensen på Sygehus Sønderjylland og forekomsten af maternelle og føtale komplikationer
  • Øretemperatur versus raktal temperatur
  • Prehospital use of the Danish emergency process triage system

  • Prognostic factors for re-admission of surgical patients
  • Delirium in an Emergency Department
  • Comparison of three different two-tiered trauma team activation

  • Ottawa anclerules i skadestue og behandlerklinikker
  • Prehospital data as risk predictors of seriousness of trauma

  • Validering af DEPT triage systemet
  • Predictors of acute admission of more than 48 hours duration