Research Group
Get in touch with the research group
Internal Medicine Research Unit is affiliated with Medical Department and covers a wide range of research in the medical and palliative field.
The unit was established in collaboration with the Department of Regional Health Research at the University of Southern Denmark.
Internal Medicine Research Unit is committed to developing new knowledge for the treatment and care of medical and palliative patients. It is interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral consisting of researchers from various professional backgrounds, such as medicine, nursing, nutrition, organizational development, etc. This provides the opportunity to gain many perspectives on research questions and insight into different research methods.
We carry out clinical, epidemiological and organisational research in the medical and palliative field. In addition, we also focus on research into the use of telemedicine solutions and cross-sectoral collaboration. Both Ph.D. students and senior researchers with qualifications in quantitative and qualitative methods form the basis of the unit.
We are happy to help develop new research projects or provide guidance wherever you are in your research process. At the same time, we provide opportunities for participation in current research projects. Therefore, if you are interested in carrying out research in the medical or palliative fields feel free to contact us by phone or e-mail.
We provide an on-boarding research service for postgraduate/masters students, where you can come, present your idea or project, and receive feedback from researchers with competencies in the area. We can also provide video meetings if needed.
Frans Brandt Kristensen
Forskningsleder, klinisk lektor, MPM, Ph.d.
Medicinsk Forskningsenhed, Sygehus Sønderjylland
79 97 30 10 Præsentation af Frans Brandt Kristensen og hans forskning
Kathrin Söderberg
Medicinsk Forskningsenhed, Sygehus Sønderjylland
Mariam Safi
Ph.d.-studerende, organisatorisk
Medicinsk Forskningsenhed, Sygehus Sønderjylland Præsentation af Mariam Safi og hendes forskning
Jan Dominik Kampmann
Ph.d-studerende, læge
Medicinske Sygdomme, Sygehus Sønderjylland, og Institut for Regional Sundhedsforskning, Syddansk Universitet. Præsentation af Jan Dominik Kampmann og hans forskning
Anders Nikolai Ørsted Schultz
Ph.d.-studerende, reservelæge
Medicinsk Forskningsenhed, Sygehus Sønderjylland
79977314 Præsentation af Anders Nikolai Ørsted Schultz og hans forskning
Eithne Hayes Bauer
Forsknings- og Udviklingssygeplejerske, Ph.d.-studerende, cand. cur.
Medicinsk Forskningsenhed, Sygehus Sønderjylland Præsentation af Eithne Hayes Bauer og hendes forskning
Donna Lykke Wolff
Datamanager og registerforsker, Ph.d.
Medicinsk Forskningsenhed og Klinisk Forskningsafdeling, Sygehus Sønderjylland
Tina Jakobsen
Sårsygeplejerske, Cand. Cur.-studerende (APN)
Medicinske Sygdomme, Sygehus Sønderjylland
Dorota Paulina Küttel
Post. doc., læge
Medicinsk Forskningsenhed