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The 1st Nordic Summit on Coordinated Abortion Care

Under the esteemed patronage of Kristina Gemzell Danielsson and other distinguished experts from Nordic countries in the field of abortion care, we are delighted to invite you to the 1st Nordic Summit on Coordinated Abortion Care.

The event takes place in Middelfart, Denmark, on 11th - 12th of September 2025.

This summit hosts vital opportunity to foster discussions on the latest advancements in abortion care and work towards alignment of evidence-based Nordic guidelines. While grounded in scientific evidence, these guidelines will also consider the diversity of service provision and legal frameworks across the region.

Objectives of the Summit

  • Identify gaps in current practices.
  • Explore opportunities for improvement.
  • Share insights and learn from one another’s experiences.

This gathering will also serve as a dynamic platform to connect leading experts in abortion care from across the Nordic region, promoting collaboration and the exchange of knowledge.

Summit Program Overview

Day 1: 11 September 2025

  • Closed Expert Session:
    Discussions on best practices, challenges, and strategies for guideline unification.

Day 2: 12 September 2025

  • Open Sessions:
    An opportunity for interested doctors and other healthcare providers from Nordic countries to engage, learn, and network.

We sincerely hope you can join us for this important event.

On behalf of the Organizing Committee

Britta Frederiksen-Møller


Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Hospital Sønderjylland

+45 79 97 21 20